Many people don't know have to do when they first put they step in internet marketing world. Most of them usually confuse about what are they have to sell? How they make their own product? How to create product so can make a hungry market? Actually it's easy to make product that can you use for for your extra income, as long as you know how to do it.
First, you should learn about the product ... and the market (this is the most important). Why the market is more important than the product? Because without market, your product is useless. Then what? You can start with a little research. Yes, do some market research, find what people need. From your research, you can find the idea about what you want to sell.
I'll tell you a little secret (actually it isn't a secret, but some people don't realize about it). When you do a market research to find what people need, you can focus in this keywords : happiness, hope, and secrets. Why? many people search for those keywords, well.. nothing to lose of you try. But it is just my opinion, you can find million of keywords too and they'll make money for you.
Just for the note, when you do a research, the most important to do are :
- You must know about the product
- You must know how the demand in the market
- You must know the competitor
Don't give up, sometimes when you do a research, you feel boring ( sometimes confuse too). It's normal. Just remember : success need process. Good luck. (Bmr)
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