When you want to start to be an internet marketer, first thing to is you must have a “store”. For example, if you want to sell furniture, then you must have a furniture store. The different is in internet, you don't have to build a real store because your store is a website. Yup, you only need a website to run your internet business. First, it's free. You don't have to pay to have a blog. Not like a website, you have buy a domain name and you have to buy too to hosting your web. And the second is you don't have to design your blog because you only pick the design that already provide for you (ofcourse you can modify the design later), if a web, you must design it from zero, or maybe you must hire a web designer. So, if you just start to become a internet marketing, this is I suggest to to you : try with a blog first. I am sorry I don't give you guidance how to make a blog. You can learn it from the website. But later I'll give you some tips about blog (but please remind me). Ok, back to the topic. After you have a blog, you ready to open your store. You can put your products there and wait the cash come to you. Actually there is no different between blog and website about how to sell your product. You only put your product there and you wait for buyer go to your web or blog then do transaction. But like I said before, if you just start to become an internet marketer, I suggest you choose build your “store” with a blog first. Success to all of you. by Bimaryudho D. K. Armadha
Now, how to start build a website? Don't worry about it, for a simple step, you can start with a blog. You can find itu in www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com (but not only this web, there are so many kind of them, you can find another web that provide blog with search engine). Why I said this is a simple step? I'll give you 2 reasons
Saturday, September 1, 2007
First thing to do...
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